Free Amazon EAN/GTIN Generator and Barcode Tool
EAN / GTIN Barcode Generator
What's a GTIN? What does EAN stand for?
In order to sell items on, you generally need a unique "GTIN" (Global Trade Item Number) for each item. You can find the exceptions to the exemption from this rule on the part of Amazon here. The GTIN used to be known as "EAN", but this term is considered obsolete. The GTINs are managed by GS1 in Germany. GS1 offers various packages that differ in the size of the number range. You can currently license 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 or 100,000 numbers there.
However, GS1 will not send you a complete overview of all licensed numbers, but only your "Global Location Number" (GLN). Using the GLN, a sequential number and a check digit, you must then assemble your own 13-digit GTIN.
This tool does this calculation for you and, if desired, also generates directly matching barcodes in EAN-13 format. All you have to do is enter your GLN in the field below and click on "Submit". With 7-digit GLNs it may take a few seconds until all GTINs are displayed.
A click on the GTIN opens the EAN-13 barcode in a new window. This is a free service of our Amazon tool AMALYTIX.