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Trutz Fries

Amazon Replenishment Codes Explained

06/21/2024 • Reading time: ca. 7 min • by Trutz Fries

Introduction to Amazon Replenishment Codes

Vendor Central uses replenishment codes to help vendors manage their inventory. These codes provide information about Amazon's plans about reordering products. In this section, we will explore what Amazon replenishment codes are and why they are important to understand.

What are Amazon replenishment codes?

Amazon replenishment codes are markers, that can be assinged to products to manage their inventory and maintain a steady supply of products on the Amazon marketplace. These codes indicate the current status of an item and how Amazon plans to restock it.

Why are they important for vendors?

One of the primary reasons replenishment codes are important for vendors is that they directly impact product visibility and sales. Products with Planned Replenishment (PR) or Basic Replenishment (BR) codes are more likely to be featured prominently in search results and product recommendations, as Amazon's algorithms favor items that are available and consistently in stock. Conversely, products with Limited Replenishment (LR), Obsolete (OB), or Non-Replenishable (NR) codes may be less visible to potential customers, resulting in reduced sales.

Moreover, the marketplace closely monitors vendors' ability to keep products in stock and fulfill orders. Vendors who consistently have products with Planned Replenishment (PR) or Basic Replenishment (BR) codes show the algorithm reliability. On the other hand, vendors with a high proportion of Limited Replenishment (LR), Obsolete (OB), or Non-Replenishable (NR) codes may face penalties, such as reduced order quantities or even the termination of their vendor relationship with Amazon.

Understanding Amazon Vendor Central Replenishment Codes

There are a set of replenishment codes to communicate the current status and availability of products. In this section, we'll explain the meaning of each code and what vendors should expect if a product is labled with a specific code.

Planned Replenishment (PR)

Planned Replenishment (PR) is a replenishment code that indicates Amazon has decided to restock a product based on a forecast. This code is typically associated with high-performing products that consistently generate sales. PR items are automatically reordered by Amazon when inventory levels fall below a minimum level, ensuring a continuous supply of the product.

Basic Replenishment (BR)

Basic Replenishment (BR) is a replenishment code that indicates that a product generates enough sales for regular orders. When a product is assigned the BR code, it means that Amazon will automatically reorder the product based on their projected demand and current inventory levels. This ensures that the product remains in stock and available for customers to purchase.

Limited Replenishment (LR)

The Limited Replenishment (LR) code in Amazon Vendor Central indicates that a product has restricted restocking due to various factors, such as seasonal demand or limited production. When a product is marked as LR, Amazon will place orders less frequently and in smaller quantities compared to products with Planned Replenishment (PR) or Basic Replenishment (BR).

Obsolete (OB)

The Obsolete (OB) replenishment code indicates that a product has been discontinued or is no longer available. When a product is marked as obsolete, Amazon will not place any further orders for that item. This code is typically assigned when a vendor informs Amazon that they will no longer be producing or supplying a specific product.

Non-Replenishable (NR)

The Non-Replenishable (NR) code indicates that a product will not be restocked by Amazon once the inventory is depleted. This code is typically assigned to items that are:

  • Being discontinued by the manufacturer
  • No longer profitable for Amazon to stock and sell

IS (In Season):

The IS (In Season) code is used for products that are currently in their peak selling season, ensuring high stock during high demand periods.

OF (Off-Season):

The OF (Off-Season) is applied to seasonal items that are out of their peak season but may still be reordered for the next peak season.

Dropship (NS)

The Dropship (NS) replenishment code is used for products that are not stored in Amazon's warehouses and instead shipped directly from the vendor to the customer. This arrangement is known as drop shipping, where the vendor manages the inventory and fulfills orders on their own.

New Product (NP)

The New Product (NP) replenishment code is assigned to products that have recently been added to Amazon. This code indicates that the product has almost no sales history and demand data available to forecast future inventory needs due to being new on the market and not generating much sales yet.

Unknown (UN)

The Unknown (UN) replenishment code in Amazon Vendor Central indicates that the system is unable to determine the appropriate replenishment type for a product. This can occur due to incomplete or inconsistent data, recent changes to the product's settings, or technical issues within Amazon's systems.

How do I monitor all my replenishment codes?

Replenishment codes are not the only thing to monitor when it comes to a product. Besides the codes, there are many other important metrics and aspects on Amazon, and keeping an eye on them all with an extensive product catalogue is time-consuming and anything but easy. With AMALYTIX, we have created a tool that makes tasks like this easier for you. In addition to replenishment codes, you can also monitor many other processes related to your Amazon Vendor Account.

Monitor replenishment codes with AMALYTIX

And so that you don't always have to check whether the replenishment codes of your product changed, we have also created an alert feature that notifies you if the code changes. You can find out more about the alerts here.

Register now for our free 14-day trial period, no credit card information needed, right here.

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