Amazon Digital Shelf


Amalytix Digital Shelf overview

On this page, you'll gain a deeper insight into specific sales niches. Individual or multiple keywords define these niches.

Through the Digital Shelf, you gain insights into:

  • Products and Brands: Who offers deals/coupons? What does the organic ranking look like? Are competitors selling with FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon)?
  • Buy Box: Who are the Buy Box winners? What is the average Buy Box price?
  • Content: What is the LQI (Listing Quality Index)? What percentage of competitors have A+ Content or a Brand Story?
  • Reviews: How are the reviews distributed?

Analyzing a niche

To analyze a new niche, click on "Create new analysis."

Amalytix Digital Shelf new analysis

In the displayed pop-up window, you can now set a title for the analysis, select the respective marketplace, specify the brand name, and enter relevant keywords. You have the option to enter one to a maximum of ten keywords.

Then click on the title to receive detailed information about the niche.


Digital Shelf brands

Here are the available columns:

  • Brand
  • Marketing: This column reveals whether a brand currently has an active Sponsored Products or Sponsored Brands campaign.
  • Average LQI: This column provides information about the Listing Quality Index.
  • Promotions: Here, you can determine if a brand is presently offering deals or coupons.
  • Revenues last 28 days: In this column, you can see the revenue that a brand has generated in the past 28 days.
  • Products: This column displays the number of products from the brand within the niche.
  • Price
  • Organic: This shows the organic ranking.
  • Paid: This indicates the paid ranking.
  • Options

You have the flexibility to sort all columns in ascending or descending order.


Digital Shelf products

Here are the available columns:

  • Market
  • Product
  • Price
  • Fulfillment Method (FFM): Here, you can identify the shipping method (FBA, FBM, Amazon)
  • Revenues last 28 days: In this column, you can see the revenue that a product has generated in the past 28 days.
  • Bestseller Rank (BSR): This column displays the Bestseller Rank in the respective Amazon category.
  • Marketing: This column indicates whether there is currently a Sponsored Products or Sponsored Brands campaign for the product.
  • Content: The column provides information about the Listing Quality Index.
  • Promotions: Here, you can see if there are currently any deals or coupons offered for the product.
  • Visibility: This reveals the current ranking on Amazon.
  • 1 week: This shows the ranking from 1 week ago.
  • 4 week: This shows the ranking from 4 weeks ago.
  • Last 30 weeks: This shows the ranking from the last 30 weeks.
  • History: In this graph, you can track the visibility trend over time.


Digital Shelf buybox

The following graphics are available:

  • Top Sellers: Here, you can view a list of Buy Box winners.
  • Price distribution: This chart displays the distribution of prices and the average price. Sixteen products are sold at a price ranging from 25.00 to 40.00 Euros, with an average price of 37.56 Euros in the "Yoga mat" niche.
  • Fulfillment: This chart shows the shipping method. 84% of the competitors are using Amazon FBA.
  • Promotions: Here, you can see the percentage of promotions. Currently, 12% of the competitors are running promotions.


Digital Shelf content
  • Listing Quality Index: Here, you can see the distribution of LQI values.
  • Number of images: This chart displays the number of images. Twenty-one sellers have uploaded 7-8 images.
  • A+ Content: Here, you can observe the proportion of A+ Content. 57% have A+ Standard Content, 14% have A+ Premium Content, and 29% have no A+ Content.
  • A+ Content Brand Story: This chart reveals the percentage of Brand Stories. 29% have included a Brand Story.
  • Top keywords: Here, you can view a list of the top keywords along with their rankings.


Digital Shelf reviews

The following graphics are available:

  • Reviews distribution: Here, you can see the distribution of reviews. Twenty products have between 11 and 100 reviews, and eight have between 1001 and 5000 reviews.
  • Ratings distribution: This chart reveals the product reviews. Thirteen products have a rating between 4.60 and 4.70.