Monitor Amazon Keyword Rankings
Overview analyses

On this page, you can analyze a brand, a search term, or an ASIN using Brand Analytics.
You can see the analyses that have already been performed in the list. Click on "Show" under "Link" to go to the results of an analysis. The results differ depending on whether you analyze a brand, ASIN, or search term.
Search Brand Analytics by Brand
On the first page you can see the history of the search frequency rank.

The chart shows how often a product of this brand appears among the top 3 products in Brand Analytics.
The search rank is not taken into account here. Click on the three dots at the top right to download the graphic.
Click Top Keywords to get a list of 100 keywords sorted in ascending order by search rank. Only products of the searched brand are displayed here.

Under Related Brands, you will see brands that appear most often in the search terms in which the brand you are looking for appears.

Search Brand Analytics by Search Term
In the chart, you can see the course of the search rank of this search term over time. The calendar week is entered on the X-axis. The lower the search rank, the more frequently it is searched for.

Under Top products, you can see a list of 100 products that you found for the search term. In addition, you can see the brands that appear most often in the product list. By clicking on the brand, you can highlight the products of this brand in the list.

Click Related searchterms to get ideas for new keywords.

Search Brand Analytics by ASIN
The chart shows the average value of the search rank of all search terms for which you can find this product among the top 3 per week.

Click on Top Keywords, and you will get a list of which search terms this product is clicked. For each keyword, you can see the average search frequency rank.

Under Related products, you will see a list of products that rank for the mentioned search. By clicking on the brand, you can highlight the products of this brand in the list. In addition, you can see the brands whose products appear most frequently on the list.