Amazon Vendor Dashboard
Overview Vendor Key Figures

We display various key figures about your vendor account on the Vendor Dashboard.
Filter options
You can set the following filters:

Amazon Markets

The markets overview presents briefly and crucial key figures in comparison.
So you can have a look at the different key figures: Units, Free Replacement Units, Units Received Back, Cost of Goods Sold (COGS), and Unit Cost.
Amazon Top 10 Products
Here we show the parent or child products with the highest revenue or sales values.

Important note: The Top 10 lists currently only respond to the date filter.
Sales per day/hour
By clicking on "Sales per day/hour" in the top bar, you will receive a detailed breakdown of your revenue on an hourly basis:

You can view the following metrics on an hourly basis:
- Conversion rate
- Glance views
- Ordered revenue
- Ordered units
You can individually toggle the display of each period using the selection option in the top right corner.
This feature allows you to analyze your revenue on a very granular level. It makes it easier to identify trends and peak sales times, as well as adjust strategies to boost revenue.
How the Grouping works

Day: Revenue per hour in relation to the day
Week: Revenue per hour in relation to the week
Month: Revenue per hour in relation to the month
Week day: Sums up the revenue of each weekday over a period of time (e.g. sums up every monday over a period of time)
Month day: Sums up the revenue of each day in a month over a period of time (e.g. sums up every 1st of a month over a period of time)