Default dashboard
Here we show you selected metrics with direct links to the corresponding section within AMALYTIX. Use this page to get a first insight about how your account is doing.
Overview relevant metrics

On this page we present the relevant metrics related to your Amazon Seller and/or Amazon Vendor account.
You will see key figures for:
- Performance
- Content
- Availability
- Customer satisfaction
- Advertising
Seller und Vendor performance
Based on last seven days, 28 days, current month:
- revenue
- sales
- average price
- profit after cost of goods
Amazon content
- Number of content changes in the last seven days. Here we only count changes that are displayed within AMAYLTIX. Email Alerts are not counted here.
- product title has changed
- bullet points have changed
- A+ Content has changed
- the main image has changed
- other pictures have changed
- book description has changed
- Number of content differences to your [Snapshots](/kb/content/produktliste/#consistent with your snapshots)
- LQI deviations (how many products have an LQI < 100)
- Number of products without A+ content (A+ Premium is also counted)
Product availability
- Not available: The product cannot be bought at the moment
- Buybox lost: Number of products for which the seller or Amazon does not have the buybox
- Low Stock: Number of products with a range of fewer than 30 days
- High Stock: Number of products with a range of more than 90 days
- Out-of-stock: The product has no FBA stock (seller)
Customer satisfaction
The numbers are based either the last day or on the last seven days.
- New reviews
- New reviews overall
- New positive reviews (4 and 5 stars)
- New negative reviews (1, 2, and 3 stars)
- New questions on the listing
- Seller feedback (only seller)
- Total number of ratings
- Number of positive reviews
- Number of negative ratings
In this article, you will discover how to effectively monitor Amazon reviews using AMALYTIX.
Amazon advertising
The numbers are based on either the last 7 or 28 days.
- Turnover
- Orders
- Costs
- ACoS (costs divided by sales)
Here, you will learn how to monitor your Amazon advertising using AMALYTIX.