Getting started

Here are some recommendations if you are setting up AMALYTIX for the first time. The setup differs slightly for sellers and vendors, as the data sources for these groups are different. Vendors who also have a seller account (hybrid model) should, of course, go through both steps.

We recommend at least performing the following steps.

  1. Link Seller and Vendor Account
  2. Select Alerts
  3. Define Keywords
  4. Set your LQI settings
  5. Store snapshots

To connect your Amazon account to the new Amazon Selling Partner API, please click the following button under Settings / General / Amazon APIs:

Authorize Amazon Selling-Partner API

After you successfully authenticated with Seller and/or Central, you need to confirm the connection. That's it.

Important note

As a vendor don't forget to add necessary details like your vendor code and the marketplace for each vendor connection. Without it AMALYTIX will not work correctly.

From now on, AMALYTIX will load the following data:

  • Order data (every 30 minutes)
  • FBA Inventory (every 24 hours)
  • Transactions data (every four hours)
  • Listing information (every 24 hours)
  • Ranking information (weekly)

Duration of the import

We update a large part of the data once a night. Therefore, it can take up to 24 hours until all information is visible.

Select Alerts

Select which alerts you (don't) want to receive under Settings / Alerts.

Amazon Notice SettingsAmazon hint Settings

For more information on configuring alerts, see: create Amazon alerts.

In the beginning, everything is new

In the beginning, a lot is new for AMALYTIX. Therefore there are usually many alerts. You can safely ignore these at first.

Define Keywords

It is now time to define search terms that are relevant to you for your most important products. Go to Visibility / Rankings and add your most relevant keywords for all your products here.

Add Keywords for all your products with AMALYTIX

The rankings of your products in the Amazon search results will now be tracked on a daily basis.

Set your LQI settings

LQI stands for Listing Quality Index. Here we calculate a score for each listing from 0 to 100 based on your settings. Click Settings / Products / LQI to edit LQI settings. You can make individual defailts for your listings / content on the page.


This will also influence the coloring on our Content View:

Content view differences after changing the LQI settings in AMALYTIX

You will find more details about the Content View here →.

Store snapshots

On the Content product detail page, you can define and adjust the content of your product listings. You can store the title, bullet points, description, and keywords as a snapshot and compare them with the current version on Amazon. Additionally, you can transfer your snapshot data to Amazon.

Snapshot Monitoring in AMALYTIX

The snapshot specifications are also used on the content page of the sellers and vendors. Here you can see whether your listings match your snapshot specifications.